The New PADI Revised Instructor Development Course (IDC) 2020-What’s NEW?

For 2020 PADI has released a new Instructor Development curriculum. Is it that different I hear you say, Yes! There are quite a few changes.

Firstly let’s start with the new digital crew pack that you receive! yes, its is now mostly digital gone are the days of receiving a backpack full of binders and DVD’s and printed exams. In the digital crew pack, you get PadI’s guide to teaching, Diving Knowledge Workbook. Open water, Rescue and Divemaster Exams, The PADI Open Water Diver Course Prescriptive Lesson Guides and more, now all digitally. The only thing you will receive physically is a PADI backpack and your PADI Cue card slates.

There Is now E-Learning.

As part of the Digital IDC Crew Pack, There are 16 E-learning sections or you to complete before you do a corresponding workshop conducted by your PADI Course Director. The idea behind this is to take the long PowerPoint presentations out of your classroom time and replace them with workshops designed to make you think like a Dive Instructor in realistic scenarios.

Enthuses on Neutral buoyancy Training.

As part of the PADI IDC, you have to do a full skill circuit. In the old IDC the use to be just the skill circuit from the divemaster course. There are a few changes to this, firstly regulator recovery and clearing and mask removal, replacement and clearing must be done neutrally buoyant for you to get a 5. The second major change is the edition of the 3 Open Water Course Skills Disconnect Low pressure inflator,Re-secure a loose cylinder band and perform an emergency weight drop. The 3 Open water Diver skills now replace the old skin-diver skills witch now just consist of one skill ‘surface dive while skin diving and clear the snorkel upon surfacing’.At this present moment, this revised skill circuit is only for the IDC course but it may soon be coming to the PADI Divemaster Course.

No assistant and conducting skill demonstrations in Open Water Presentations.

As a Dive Instructor, you don’t always have a certified assistant with you when teaching courses do you? no, and to make it more realistic some of the skills presentations you conduct will not have an assistant. Another large change is some of the Open Water Presentation skills you will have to do the skill demonstration in open water. In the past it was always treated as the skill had already been taught in confined water but once again this isn’t always realistic especially with continuing education courses.

Find Out more about the PADI Instructor Development Course 


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