PADI Open Water Course

Learn To Dive

Have you ever wanted to breathe underwater? stay down longer than 1 breath? If the answer is yes. Why not learn to dive?

The PADI Open Water course is your first step in becoming a dive instructor.The Open water course is the entry level diving course,This is were you will be taught how to Scuba Dive.

The PADI Open water course is made up of three section Academics,Confined Water Training and Open Water Dives.

The Academics consists of 5 videos and along side each video there is a corresponding multiple choice knowledge Review witch your instructor will go through with you.Following the videos and knowledge reviews you will do 4 10 question multiple choice quizzes.The final Section of the Academics is the final exam made up of 50 multiple choice questions you will need 75% to pass.

Confined water training is the next section you will complete. This is were your instructor will teach you all the skills you will need to learn to dive.The confined water section of the Open water is made up of 5 section in witch a are taught skills from how to clear your mask of water, buoyancy, hand signals and what to do in an emergency.Your Instructor will make sure you have masted and are comfortable with performing each skill before moving to your open water dives.

The Final section of the PADI Open Water course is the 4 open water dives.Depending of your location this could be in the ocean or in large lakes.Dives 1 and 2 are to a maximum depth of 12 meters and dives 3 and 4 to the maximum depth for an open water diver of 18 meters.On all 4 dives you will practice your buoyancy and will perform a few of the skills your learnt in the confined water training.

How long will your course take?

The length of your course depends on were you choose to do your course.The quickest time you can do the course is 2-3 days you will find this is done a lot In holiday destinations witch go from anywhere from 2-7 days for your course.If you are doing your course at home a popular option is to do the course over a number of weeks in your free time when your are not working.

Make it stand out.

How long will your course take?

The length of your course depends on were you choose to do your course.The quickest time you can do the course is 2-3 days you will find this is done a lot In holiday destinations witch go from anywhere from 2-7 days for your course.If you are doing your course at home a popular option is to do the course over a number of weeks in your free time when your are not working.

What am I certified to do as an Open Water diver?

As an Open Water diver you will be certified to dive world wide to a maximum depth 18 meters with a dive buddy

Do I need to be able to swim?

Yes you will need to be able to be certified as a PADI Open Water diver you need to be able to swim 200 meters without stopping and float/tread water for 10 minutes.

Can I save time by doing the academics before I arrive at the dive center?

Yes you can do PADI elearning were you will do all the academics online. Then when you arrive at the dive center all you will need to to do is a quick review with your instructor and then just the diving.

Were will i do my confined water skills?

The confined water part of the open water course can either be done in a swimming pool or it can be done as confined open water (this has to be swimming pool like condition as to clarity and depth and carmines of the water).There are advantages and disadvantages to both and it will depend on the facility's your dive cent has to were you do you confined water skills.

What if I am unable to finish the course?

sometime unexpected things happen and you may not be able to finish your course.If this is the case your instructor will give you a referral and they will sign off all the thing you have completed up to then.The referral is valid for 1 year and you can finish at any other PADI dive center.