PADI Divemaster Course

A crucial part of being a dive master is being able to role model skill demonstrations when conducting reactivate courses and assisting instructors on diving courses. To achieve these role model demonstrations, you do a skill circuit of 24 skills that your instructor will score you on. You will also gain experience with skill demonstrations by assisting with courses and conducting Reactivate courses under supervision.

The academics for the Divemaster course consist of nine chapters with knowledge reviews from the Divemaster manual, which your instructor will review. There are also two 60-question multiple choice exams with questions covering the nine chapters. In the second exam, there will be questions where you will need to use the recreational dive planner (RDP) and the electronic recreational dive planner (ERDP).

During your Divemaster course, you will learn how to plan and conduct a dive safely. Throughout your training, you will practice giving dive briefings and leading dives under the supervision of a Divemaster or instructor. Or leading dives among other Divemasters in Training with fun diving. You will also improve your navigation and comfort level in the water when you lead the dives.

Alongside the academics, skill circuits, and dive leading, you are also assessed and scored on five water skill exercises 15-minute float/tread, 400-meter swim, 800-meter snorkel, 100-meter tired diver tow and equipment exchange.

The First Step To Becoming A Dive PRO!


How long does the Divemaster Course take to complete?

The quickest time you can complete the Divemaster course in is 12 days assuming you meat all the requirements to start the course.I would not recommend doing the course this quick as the more diving experience you gain the better prepared you will be as a Divemaster.Most dive centers conduct there dive master programs over a couple of months which is a good amount of time to get a good understanding of the Divemaster job.

Should i do a work for training Internship?

In your research you will find dive centers that will give you free training in exchange for you working for the shop.Obviously this benefits the shop as they get free labour but i may not benefit you.You may end up working some very long hours doing what every the dive shop needs doing.You may also find that the dive center will try to send you out with customers before you are certified as a Divemaster and use you as a free guide.A disadvantage of this is you may not be getting proper feedback if your leading by yourself and throughout the course not having a proper mentor which may result in you being certified when you are not ready yet.So just do your research before going straight for the free internship.

What are the Divemaster course Prerequisites?

18 Years old

40 logged dives

Have done Open water ,Advanced Open Water and Rescue diver courses

First aid training within 24 months

Will i need my own dive equipment?

This will depend on the dive center you choose to do your training with,some will let you use the centers equipment and others will say you need to have all or some or your own equipment.The advantage of having your own equipment is that you will improve your buoyancy as you are using the same equipment and you will get comfortable with your equipment


Whats Next

Once you have been certified as a PADI Divemaster you are able to enroll onto the PADI Instructor Development Course and progress to the next stage of the professional diving certification and will allow you to become a dive instructor.